The following are some proposed projects and programmes for which the CRM is seeking support and partnership. If you are interested in partnership with the Child Rescue Mission in the implementation of these projects please write to Alexander C. Fundafunda at chiremis@gmail.com :
A. 1.0 Project Name: Academic Corruption Awareness Project.
1.1 Project Brief Description: A project to create awareness in school-going children about the dangers of of Academic Corruption. This is addressing issues such as examination paper leakages, invigilator bribery and other such forms of corruption.
B. 1.0 Project Name: CRC Awareness Project for Traditional Leaders.
1.1 Project Brief Description: A project to create awareness in Zambia's Traditonal Chiefs and Village Headmen about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The project aims at influencing these important men and women to formulate child-rights-centred decisions in their governance procedures.
C. 1.0 Project Name: CRC Awareness Project for Political Party Leaders.
1.1 Project Brief Description: A project to create awareness in Zambia's Political Party Leaders about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The project aims at influencing these important men and women to formulate child-rights-centred decisions in their governance procedures and in the formulation of party policy.
D. 1.0 Project Name: CRC Awareness Project for School Administrators and PTAs.
1.1 Project Brief Description: A project to create awareness in School Administrators and School PTAs about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The project aims at influencing these important men and women to formulate child-rights-centred decisions in their school governance procedures and in the formulation of school policy.
E. 1.0 Project Name: Child's Heaven Psychosocial Campsite.
A campsite dedicated to the personal counselling and mental health of OVC.The camp will provide life skills training and intensive psychosocial care for child victims of trauma, abuse and neglect.