1. All the necessities universally required by all children everywhere.
2. Access to Education including shorter distances to learning centers, better access to ICT materials and services, lower class sizes with improved teacher to learner ratios, better sanitation facilities for both genders, specified support for the needs of each gender of child in the learning environment, protection from bullying and physical abuse by adults in the school environment, nutritional support for children from struggling homes, protection on the way to and from learning centers, protection from sexual abuse in and on the way to and from learning centers.
3. Provision of Specialised medical assistance, availability and provision of medical resources such as medicines and information, creation of child-friendly medical facilities.
4. Greater support to children in areas affected by stunting due to mal-nourishment and family poverty.
5. Protection from Media.
6. Better support for the psychosocial needs of the child.
7. Better and safer housing inclusive of protection from virtual captivity for vulnerable children, protection from unsafe co-inhabitants of physical spaces, protection from unsafe physical home structures and safer access to home requirements such as water and heat.